3  GIS in Hydrology

Spatial Data Science 
Geocomputation with R

3.1 WhiteboxTools

In this session we use the WhiteboxTools (WBT) a modern and advanced geospatial package, tools collection, which contains ~450 functions. The WBT has an interface to r and python.

The tool can be downloaded from http://whiteboxgeo.com/.

3.2 Raster and vector data

Raster data are represented by a matrix of pixels (cells) with values. Raster is used for data which display continuous information across an area which cannot be easily divided into vector features. For the purpose of watershed delineation the raster input of Digital Elevation Model is used.

3.3 Watershed delineation

The process of delineation is the first step in basin description. One simply has to delineate the domain

The step-by-step process involves:

  • Acquiring digital elevation model of area
  • Pit and sink removal
  • Flow accumulation calculation
  • Flow direction calculation
  • Outlet identification
  • Delineation towards specified outlet

Let’s start with whitebox package that contains an API to the WhiteboxTools executable binary.
We need to reference path to the executable

Except for the whitebox package, some other packages for general work with spatial data are necessary. The packages terra and sf are needed for working with the raster and vector data. They also provide access to PROJ, GEOS and GDAL which are open source libraries that handle projections, format standards and provide geoscientific calculations. And the package tmap makes plotting both raster and vector layers very easy.

3.4 Watershed delineation workflow

## terra 1.7.55
## Linking to GEOS 3.11.0, GDAL 3.5.3, PROJ 9.1.0; sf_use_s2() is TRUE
## Breaking News: tmap 3.x is retiring. Please test v4, e.g. with
## remotes::install_github('r-tmap/tmap')
whitebox::wbt_init(exe_path = "~/Downloads/WBT/whitebox_tools")
## [1] TRUE
Load the Whitebox API package
Load the terra package for raster use
Load the sf package for vector use
Load the tmap plotting functions for layers
Whitebox needs the information where the data executable is stored
Binary check of functionality Sample data

dem <- rast(whitebox::sample_dem_data())
tm_layout() +
  tm_shape(dem) +
  tm_raster(palette = "-Greys", n = 50, legend.show = FALSE)
Use the rast() function to load the data
Plot via the tmap workflow DEM workflow

The digital elevation model has to be adjusted for the watershed delineation algorithm to be able to run successfully.

We need to specifiy a path to working directory. It has to be somewhere where you as a user have access to write files. Be sure the folder exists.

wd_path <- "~/Desktop/GIS"

wbt_fill_depressions_wang_and_liu(dem = paste(wd_path,
                                              sep = "/"),
                                  output = paste(wd_path,
                                                 sep = "/"))

wbt_d8_pointer(dem = paste(wd_path,
                           sep = "/"),
               output = paste(wd_path,
                              sep = "/"))

wbt_d8_flow_accumulation(input = paste(wd_path,
                                       sep = "/"),
                         output = paste(wd_path,
                                        sep = "/"),
                         out_type = "cells")

wbt_extract_streams(flow_accum = paste(wd_path,
                                       sep = "/"),
                    output = paste(wd_path,
                                   sep = "/"),
                    threshold = 200)
This algorithm involves removing flat areas and filling depressions, thus producing hydrologically corrected DEM
Pointer is https://www.researchgate.net/publication/333193489/figure/fig14/AS:941786386149402@1601550780863/Sketch-map-of-D8-algorithm-a-direction-coding-of-D8-algorithm-b-sample-elevation.png

3.4.1 Gauge

We have the raster prepared for the delineation, now we need to provide a point layer with the gauge, to which the watershed should be delineated. The point has to be placed at the stream network. We will create the layer from scratch.

gauge <- st_sfc(st_point(x = c(671035, 4885783), 
                               dim = "XY"), 
                      crs = st_crs(26918))
st_write(obj = gauge, 
         dsn = paste(wd_path, "gauge", sep = "/"), 
         driver = "ESRI Shapefile", 
         delete_dsn = TRUE)
Deleting source `/Users/petrmbpro/Desktop/GIS/gauge' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
Writing layer `gauge' to data source 
  `/Users/petrmbpro/Desktop/GIS/gauge' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
Writing 1 features with 0 fields and geometry type Point.
tm_layout() +
  tm_shape(dem) +
  tm_raster(palette = "-Greys", n = 50, legend.show = FALSE) +
  tm_shape(gauge) +
  tm_dots(col = "red", size = 1)

If the point is not located directly in the stream, it could cause troubles. The Jenson snap pour makes sure to move the point to the nearest stream pixel.

wbt_jenson_snap_pour_points(pour_pts = paste(wd_path, 
                                             sep = "/"), 
                            streams = paste(wd_path, 
                                            sep = "/"), 
                            output = paste(wd_path, 
                                           sep = "/"), 
                            snap_dist = 1000)

Now everything is set to delineate the watershed with using the gauge and D8 pointer.

wbt_watershed(d8_pntr = paste(wd_path, "d8pointer.tif", sep = "/"),
              pour_pts = paste(wd_path, "gauge_snapped.shp", sep = "/"), 
              output = paste(wd_path, "watershed.tif", sep = "/"))

The watershed is usually used in vector format, but now it is in raster. Let’s finish with the conversion.

wtshd <- rast(paste(wd_path, "watershed.tif", sep = "/"))
watershed <- terra::as.polygons(wtshd)

3.5 River morphology

Under the term river morphology we understand the description of the shape of river channels. Hydrologists use indices such as stream length or Strahler order.

wbt_strahler_stream_order(d8_pntr = paste(wd_path, "d8pointer.tif", sep = "/"), 
                          streams = paste(wd_path, "streams.tif", sep = "/"), 
                          output = paste(wd_path, "strahler.tif", sep = "/"))

3.6 Results
